
So, it turns out today is November 30th.  I though it was the 29th.  I've been off by a day this entire week. I keep checking the calendar on my phone because I'm sure it's wrong. I even checked the On This Day tab on my facebook page, and I'll be damned if everything was... Continue Reading →


Paying tribute to my Mom with the 7-Day Black & White Photo Challenge by posting Thanksgiving-themed haiga created from images of some of Mom’s old kitchenware which I still have in my gadget cupboards & utensil drawers, and haiku I wrote via online prompts. . . Mom's Thanksgivings the fashionable spark of leftover nostalgia .... Continue Reading →


The Gramercy Riffs. The Turnbull ACs. The Baseball Furies.  Man, I loved "The Warriors." And, I mean... Swan was SO cute. Michael Beck is such a dreamboat. That smile, that hair... c'mon. What a fox. (And now a silver fox!) Pardon me, Mrs. His-Wife-of-Almost-40-Years. but I'm coveting your husband. So, I guess my graffiti-riddled nostalgia... Continue Reading →


November always brings about my Hallowe'en hangover. Hallo'ver. Hangoween. It's similar to what a runner experiences after completing a marathon. So much anticipation, so much excitement, so much build-up. And then... it's just... over.  The decorations go back to being stuff in storage. Christmas is already everywhere I look. And it's only three more weeks... Continue Reading →


If the last twenty years of the Internet has taught me anything, it's that being popular has nothing to do with being talented.  But it's also taught me that being popular is a lot like being in an abusive relationship, so, this is where I would make a comparison to the pronunciation of tomato, but... Continue Reading →


Those who gain knowledge from life's joys & tragedies eventually stumble into discovering how allowing oneself to stop caring is the healthiest thing to do in a lot of situations. Fortunately for me, that's getting easier and easier with every passing tick of the clock's second-hand. I'm the Captain in Lethal Weapon 2  whose mantra... Continue Reading →


The death of someone whose wronged me doesn't leave many options for closure.  I can either release the hurt and anger, or I can live with the ghosts of a self-imposed haunting. Such a simple sentence, yet it took such a long time to learn. I guess that's the acceptance-phase.  Evidently the Five Stages of Grief... Continue Reading →


Hopeless romanticism might be my religion. If there were ever anything I put a misguided sense of faith into, that would certainly be it.   I my ever-rationalizing mind, I think I've convinced myself this blog will allow me to express myself with uninhibited anonymity even though I know that's not really true.  I just... Continue Reading →


My father died in his own bed, in his own house on Thanksgiving, 2005.   It was up to me to sell his house; the house I grew up in; the only house I ever really considered "home." As houses go, it isn't really much of one.  Three-bedroom, one bath, finished basement, 2-car garage, small... Continue Reading →


The Litterbox Riot Blog was born of the inspiration to participate in NaNoPoblano.  I have as many reasons for wanting to blog as anyone, but I live with the ghosts of my parents in my head, and they're still saying me things like, "You don't want to do that," and "What the hell is a... Continue Reading →

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